國際模特兒大賽 2018

國際模特兒大賽 2018 是一項結合兒童文化及藝術的表演,讓兒童透過多元化表演活動擴闊眼光及學習團結,與不同國家及性別的小朋友建立友誼,成為同齡兒童的領袖先驅。


🔸年齡 3 – 6歲 ( Kid Models )
🔸年齡 7 – 11歲( Junior Models )
🔸年齡 12 – 17歲( Teen Models )

🔅國際模特兒大賽 2018
🔹日期: 8月11-13日
🔹報名: www.talentstar.international
🔹比賽分 4⃣ 回合
1. 餐桌禮儀
2. 自我介紹
3. Catwalk
4. 團體合作

🔅亞太童裝展 2018
🔅閃耀舞台 2018
🔹報名: www.talentstar.international

The International Model Contest 2018💠
is a children’s cultural and art fest , focus mainly on broadening children’s outlook, bringing unity and friendly relations between various nationalities & races and to be a expertise for the young blooming generation.

Children from different countries all over the World who belongs to the age under 18 years
The Contestants are divided into 3 groups
Boys & Girls in the category of
🔸Aged 3 – 6 ( Kid Models )
🔸Aged 7 – 11 ( Junior Models )
🔸Aged 12 – 17( Teen Models )


Stars-hk 創辦人, 希望建立一個只談專業, 不談八卦的娛樂資訊網站。