著名艺人高以翔助阵上海SPACE 2019 新天地新馆开幕典礼

 SpaceCycle现重塑品牌为SPACE,进一步确立了为千禧世代打造结合健身与娱乐,多元复合型运动体验的生活方式。首席执行官Matthew Allison (马修) 解释说:“SPACE的升级是强化品牌多元发展过程中自然而然的发展趋势。我们已在瑜伽领域耕耘12年,又向Barre, Cycle, Moves(舞蹈)这几个领域展开了探索;此时此刻,我们自豪地宣布 SPACE 的团课健身课程中增加了第五个不同的种类,HIIT (高强度间歇训练法)。我们不仅早已打破健身单车工作室的单一格局,而是成为了针对会员而设立的“第三空间”。

12月13日, SPACE 新天地馆在上海新地标,备受上海潮流前沿的红男绿女青睐的新天地广场盛大开业。SPACE公司首席执行官Matthew Allison、Xtend® Barre创始人兼维多利亚的秘密名模天使的教练, Andrea Rogers,著名模特兼演员的高以翔先生以及知名台湾女艺人李咏娴共同为新店落成拉开序幕,展示SPACE集团迄今拥有最先进技术的新天地新馆。Allison特别强调:“拥有双层阁楼设计的新天地馆场,以音乐为主导,打造在中国领先地位的沉浸式现场团体健身体验。SPACE的音响和照明系统是由屡获格莱美殊荣的制作公司3LD (3- legged Dog) 打造的,新馆首次使用三面激光投影来打造最佳的4D环境。Allison进一步说明:“这将呈现超越传统健身房,通过4D沉浸式感官秀,提高锻炼效果和临场感受的全新体验。”


SPACE还将在开业典礼宣布2019年拓展课程项目,在健身领域开疆辟土的系列规划。在追求卓越和创新的过程中,SPACE 始志不渝,以启动健身课程版图上振奋人心的第五个耀眼课程,以HIIT(高强度间歇训练) 为核心,并围绕其设计推出的整套全新课程。Robyn Wexler,SPACE 集团学院教学及课程发展高级总监表示:“SPACE HIIT课程将强调不同的功能需求,如流畅性、力量性、敏捷性,所有课程都将延续SPACE 的传统,结合来自我们的明星导师精心策划选择的主题音歌单。“HIIT THE BEAT是我们将音乐与HIIT以一种有趣且有效的方式融合起来的课程,”Allison解释说。Andrea Rogers设计研发的SWEAT 30,脱胎于 Barre (芭蕾把杆), 结合普拉提的核心训练,着重于HIIT课程中的机动性。在新店开幕系列活动中,Andrea Rogers 与李咏娴以及SPACE其他4位老师展示了让人印象深刻的 SWEAT 30课程表演,令观者迫不及待就想尝试。


此外,SPACE 还将推出基于 Barre和Yoga 这两门核心课程下的新类目。其中包含以音乐元素作为灵感驱动,使用Andrea Rogers 最新研发,由Xtend® Barre出品的运动辅具 MagiX Circle,灵感由普拉提启发,时长60分钟的特色课程。这是会在亚洲首发登场的重磅课程。

Wexler 随后宣布,2019年,SPACE还会结合即将全新起航的 SPACE 训练资格认证学院,发布一系列明星云集的工作坊、沉浸式体验课程以及深度训练。SPACE 训练资格认证学院将重新标榜健身、瑜伽及律动的,灵感源于音乐的大师课等课程。” 我们很荣幸与Xtend® Barre创始人Andrea Rogers 一起开发了 “100小时的资格认证培训项目“,“Xtend® Barre 4 天进阶培训项目“,以及 “90分钟的大师培训课程” 。

活动的高潮出现在高以翔和 Andrea 展示自己将要用于SWEAT 30 课程的播放列表。高以翔表示:“这些歌对我而言非常特别,它们激励我在锻炼时不断突破自己,让我的身体和情绪在疲惫的时候得到充分调动。”

对SPACE 来说,2019让人激动,充满了希冀。SPACE将透过明星音乐主题课和未来的SPACE训练认证学院,为新天地新馆的开幕为标志全新起航!让我们为SPACE祝贺,开启推出结合音乐与高强度训练的全新HIIT课程,它将以独一无二极具感染力的形式让你在更强更美的健身路上引领节奏!

2019,让我们与SPACE 共舞,一起律动前行!

Let’s HIIT the BEAT with SPACE in 2019!
























HIIT THE BEAT with SPACE in 2019

SPACE Launches in XINTIANDI Plaza, announces 2019 plans


SpaceCycle is now SPACE, further establishing its position as a multi-class type lifestyle and entertainment group fitness experience for millennials. SPACE CEO Matthew Allison explained,” The shift to SPACE was a natural move to further emphasize our multi-class type philosophy. We began with Yoga 12 years ago and have since added BARRE, CYCLE, MOVES (dance), and today we are announcing a 5th class type, HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), to our group fitness portfolio. We are much more than a Cycle Studio, like a ’third place’ for our members.”


Today SPACE opened their doors at the much-anticipated XINTIANDI Plaza, a new landmark and hub for the modern, trendy consumers in Shanghai. SPACE CEO Matthew Allison, Xtend® Barre Founder and Victoria’s Secret trainer, Andrea Rogers, popular global renowned Asian model and actor, Godfrey Gao, as well as famous media host, Jackie Lee, were amongst some of the big names kicking off the opening where SPACE showcased its most technologically advanced studio to date. Allison highlighted,” Our new duplex loft designed XINTIANDI Studio has the most immersive live musical group fitness classes in China.” SPACE’s sound and lighting system was first pioneered by the Grammy Award winning Production Company 3LD (3-Legged Dog) by using three-sided laser projections to achieve the optimal 4-D environment. Allison further commented, “This is not a gym experience but a 4-D immersive sensory show that gives you a functional workout that goes beyond the physical.”


During the opening, SPACE announced they will be expanding their programming in 2019. Staying true to their unwavering commitment to innovation and excellence throughout all their teaching and programming, SPACE unveiled the launch of an all-new HIIT program as their 5th class type. Robyn Wexler, SPACE Senior Group Director for Academy Education & Programming explained, “SPACE HIIT classes will emphasize diverse functional needs such as mobility, strength, agility, and incorporate SPACE’s commitment to music by offering curated playlists from our star instructors.” “HIIT THE BEAT is our way of connecting music to HIIT classes in a fun and functional effective way”, Allison added. SPACE’s first HIIT class, SWEAT 30, designed and powered by Xtend®, is built on the foundation of HIIT and guided by the core principles of Pilates to provide a unique HIIT class emphasising mobility. During the opening, Andrea Rogers showcased SWEAT 30 in an unforgettable high energy demonstration, leaving the audience itching to try this newly engineered class.


In addition, SPACE will also be launching new programs under their current core class types BARRE and YOGA. One of these programs will be a new 60-minute music inspired BARRE class created by Andrea Rogers featuring MagiX Circle, the newest pilates-inspired BARRE prop released by Xtend® Barre. Available exclusively in Asia at SPACE, this BARRE workout with resistance isolates, sculpts and tones targeted muscles, helping to improve form, muscular strength and endurance.



Wexler went on to announce SPACE will be releasing a star-studded lineup of workshops, immersions and in-depth trainings in 2019 with their newly launched SPACE ACADEMY. The SPACE ACADEMY will headline leading fitness, yoga, barre, movement and musically-inspired masters and methods. Wexler explained, “We are pleased to be working with Xtend® Barre founder Andrea Rogers on the development of a 100-hour certificate program, a 4-day advanced Xtend® Barre certificate program, and 90-minute master classes.”


The highlight of the show came when Godfrey presented his workout playlist to Andrea Rogers to be used as a theme class for SWEAT 30. Godfrey commented, “these songs are special to me, they motivate me to push myself harder when I work out, they move me both emotionally and physically. “


2019 looks like an exciting year for SPACE with new innovations in their curriculum, the launch of the SPACE ACADEMY, celebrity music theme classes that will rock you, and the opening of their new studio. Congratulations to SPACE for combining high intensity training with music to create one-of-a-kind HIIT classes that motivate you to HIIT the BEAT and go harder and stronger!


Let’s HIIT the BEAT with SPACE in 2019.





SPACE is a leading active lifestyle company in Asia that operates premium boutique fitness studios throughout Beijing, Shanghai and Taipei that combines fitness and entertainment into a revolutionary fitness 3.0 model leveraging music, pop culture and world-class innovative teaching methods to change the way people socialize around group exercise. SPACE is at the cutting edge of the live fitness industry, changing the fitness experience with its multi-modality and signature styles of CYCLE, BARRE, YOGA and MOVES, and HIIT.





Sarah Paw

Mobile: 13801158269

Email: [email protected]




張耀文(Big Cat) 12.26 摩羯女 本科畢業於中國傳媒大學廣播電視編導專業畢業 碩士研究生畢業於上海音樂學院中國近現代音樂史論研究方向 中國音樂史學會會員、媒體從業者、影視制片人。2009年初到北京,做過平面媒體實習編輯,跟過電視節目錄制,做過副導演。2012年轉戰上海。 現任:上海星漾文化傳媒有限公司CEO,上海藝核影視文化有限公司藝人經紀部總監,香港STARSHK娛網駐上海站負責人,中國時尚網上海站記者 個人擅長:新聞采訪、稿件撰寫、豐富的媒體資源、藝人資源、品牌資源等 喜好:音樂、電影、美食、日劇——生活中不可或缺 經驗:文藝短片《戲中戲》副導演 參與的電影宣傳:《毛澤東在上海1927》 參與的品牌推廣:美國高端蛋糕品牌Grosfairy胖仙女,蜂鳥電動車 負責的大型活動: 2014《悅己》年度美妝大賞,2014 著名高定品牌 WE Couture 上海時裝周大秀,2015“雪碧音碰音”上海歌唱大賽,2015 鋼琴家馬克西姆中國巡演上海站,2015魔都首屆萬人熒光夜跑 2016年主要項目:岳雲鵬全國巡演上海站組委會負責人,網絡劇《王的古董店》執行制片人