UTO財經| 菲一般講股 | 藺常念:港股持續下跌。每日報告(29/1/2021)

一週股市龍門陣,星級股評家,左起:驍騰原,黎家聰,陳顯歷,温冠麟,岑智勇,李慧芬,林家亨,朱紀菲,聶振邦,温傑,諸人進,巨鯨,楊德華 & 劉勝鈞。







星期五港股反彈,恆生指數開市升275點,國企指數升112點,科技指數升170點。友邦保險升2.3%,令指數升65點。騰訊升2.05%,令指數升64點。美團升3.8%,為升幅最大藍籌股。令指數升63點。小米升2.4%,令指數升28點。藥明生物升2.42%,令指數升21點。吉利升3.56%,令指數升15點。內銀股下跌,建設銀行跌1%,令指數跌16點。工商銀行跌0.8%,令指數跌7點。A股開市升0.63%,上證綜合指數升22點。開市後港股升幅擴大,恆生指數升4百點。恆生指數升至28972,升422點,騰訊急升至$717。星期四急升的消費股回吐,恆安跌3.376%,百威亞太跌4.26%,為跌幅最大兩隻藍籌股。旺旺跌3.2%,康師父跌3.6%,萬洲跌2%。汽車股回升,吉利升2.9%,比亞迪升3.13%,長城升2.76%。SAAS 股反彈,微盟升6.6%,明源雲升4.7%,中國有贊升2.7%,金山軟件升5.5%。半導體股上升,中芯國際升2.25%,華虹半導體升4.9%。餐飲股急升,九毛九升9%,呷哺呷哺升5%,海底撈升4%。港股高位守不住,大市回落,恆生指數跌至28575點,升25點。A股收市升0.23%,上證綜合指數升8點。恆生指數收市升101點,國企指數升53點,科技指數升166點,成交1203億元。

下午港股由升轉跌,杜指期貨下跌360點,加上A股下跌,拖累港股。恆生指數大幅下跌,跌2百多點。友邦保險跌1.9%,令指數跌52點。阿里巴巴跌3%,令指數跌45點。吉利跌5.1%,為跌幅最大藍籌股,令指數跌21點。平保跌2.46%,令指數跌33點。相反,騰訊升1.84%,令指數升57點。美團升1.1%,令指數升19點。滙豐跌1.7%,令指數跌35點。思摩爾配股後,逆市升3%。濰柴動力被證券商調高評級,股價急升15%;中國重汽升5%。恆生指數最低跌至29259點,跌291點。港股在低位有支持,從低位反彈。恆生指數跌不足1百點。騰訊升2.5%,令指數升80點,領導港股反彈。多隻熱炒股份反彈。比亞迪升2.8%,康方生物升6%,保利協鑫升8%。A 股收市跌0.63%,上證綜合指數跌22點。恆生指數收市跌  267點,國企指數跌  125 點,科技指數跌14點,成交2401億元。

Daily report

Hong Kong market continued to fall.

The Hong Kong market rebounded at opening on Friday. Hang Seng index opened up 275 points and H share index up 112 points, technology index up 170 points. AIA rose 2.3% for 65-point gain. Tencent rose 2.05% for 64 point gain. Meituan rose 3.8% to become the top gainer for 63-point gain. Xiaomi rose 2.4% for 28-point gain. Wuxi Biologics rose 2.42% for 21-point gain. Geely rose 3.56% for 15 point gain. Mainland banks fell. CCB lost 1% for 16-point loss. ICBC lost 0.8% for 7-point loss. A shares opened up 0.63%. Shanghai composite index opened up 22 points. The market rose further after opening. Hang Seng index reached a high of 28972, up 422 points. Tencent soared to $717 to lead the rally. The consumption stocks that soared on Thursday fell back. Hengan lost 3.37%. Budweiser lost 4.26% to lead the losers. Want Want lost 3.2% and Tingyi lost 3.6%. WH Group lost 2%. Auto stocks rebounded. Geely rose 2.9%. BYD rose 3.13%. Great Wall rose 2.76%. SAAS shares rebounded. Weimob rose 6.6%. Ming Yuan Cloud rose 4.7%. China Youzan rose 2.7%. Kingsoft rose 5.5%. Semiconductor shares rose sharply. SMIC rose 2.24%. Huahong Semiconductor rose 4.9%. Restaurant shares rose sharply. Jiumaojiu rose 9%. Shabu Shabu rose 5%. Haidilao rose 3%. The market could not hang on it its gain and fell back. Hang Seng index fell to 28575, up 25 points. A shares closed the morning up 0.23%. Shanghai composite index closed up 8 points. Hang Seng index closed the morning up 101 points; H share index up 53 points and technology index up 166 points. Turnover was $120.3 billion.

The market reversed direction and turned from gain to loss. Dow Jones futures fell sharply by 360 points. A shares fell. Hang Seng index fell more than 200 points. AIA lost 1.9% for 52-point loss. Alibaba lost 3% for 45-point loss. Geely lost 5.1% to become the top loser, for 21-point loss. Ping An lost 2.46% for 33 point loss. HSBC lost 1.7% for 35-point loss. On the contrary, Tencent rose 1.84% for 57-point gain. Meituan rose 1.1%, for 17-point gain. HK Exchanges rose 0.8% for 11-point gain. Smoore rose 3% after placement of shares. Weichai Power was upgraded by broker. Share price soared 15%. Sinotruk rose 5%.Hang Seng index fell to a low of 28259, down 291 points. The market had support at low level and rebounded from intraday low. Hang Seng index lost under 100 points. Tencent rose 2.5% for 80 point-gain. It led the market’s rebound. Hot stocks rebounded. BYD rose 2.8%. Akeso rose 6%. GCL rose 8%. A shares closed down 0.63%. Shanghai composite index closed down 22 points. Hang Seng index closed down 267 points. H share index closed down 125 points. Technology index closed down 14 points. Turnover was $240.1 billion.






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