[活動] 齊參與乳健同行 2015

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乳健同行一直是香港乳癌基金會一年一度的旗艦籌款活動,至今已舉辦了10次,謝謝各界好友和善心人士一直鼎力支持。今年為了突破地域界限,爭取籌得更多善款服務社群,讓更多人能參加這項有意義的善舉,特設 “乳健任我行” 項目,讓希望出一份力的善長毋需登上山頂即可在方便自己的空餘時間參加步行籌款。 參加者可以於十月份內任何一天或多天隨心隨意、隨時隨地在步行機上、上班前下班後或在公園裡進行,只要利用任何的計步器或應用程式去記錄步行路程並提交基金會便可。

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傳統的乳健同行則將繼續在山頂舉行,參加者需要完成3.5KM 路程以及至少籌款$350。乳健任我行参加者同樣需要完成 3.5KM 路程但最低捐款定於$300。

乳健同行 截止報名日期:2015年10月10日
乳健任我行 報名日期(網上報名): 2015年10月1 至 31日

Pink Walk for Breast Health 2015 – Join us!

Over the past 10 years, the Pink Walk for Breast Health has been the flagship annual fundraising event for Hong Kong Breast Cancer Foundation (HKBCF), thanks to all our friends and supporters. To seek to break the physical limit of the trail at the Peak hence encourage more participation and raise more funds for our services to the local community, besides the traditional Pink Walk on the Peak, this year, we are introducing the “Off Peak Pink Walk”. Participants of this new Off Peak Pink Walk can walk whenever and wherever they like: on a treadmill, to/from work, in a park etc. on any day(s) in the month of October provided you can prove the distance walked by a smartphone app or other devices and submit the evidence to the Hong Kong Breast Cancer Foundation.

Our traditional Pink Walk will continue to be held on the Peak. Whereas individual participants of the Pink Walk on the Peak raise at least HK$350 each for the 3.5km trail, those of the Off Peak Pink Walk also need to walk 3.5KM and donate a minimum of HK$300.

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Enrolment deadline for Pink Walk on the Peak : 10 Oct, 2015
Enrolment period for Off Peak Pink Walk (on-line registration): 1 – 31 Oct, 2015


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